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How to decide to keep one Item or not:
good quality item
ask yourself: is it sparking joy? if yes keep it
What is not among Kondo principles to cultering the house:
organize by location: living room, then bedrooms..
organize by category not by location (clothes, books, shoes ..)
organize by size : small with small items..
According to Mari what helps to know things where are in home:
item used oftenly should be kept where you can easily access them.
item used rarely you can keep in hard to reach place
put all things from the same category together then decide what to keep what to donate or through.
every single item you have has a home, small and big boxes
use clear boxes that will enable to see what's inside the box
don't keep anything in a box that give negative thoughts
all of the above
Time's up
The art of organizing things: Condo concept.
The Japanese Method pf organizing things